Barbados Federation of Island Triathletes

Barbados Triathlon Promo


Content Type

Sports Event Promo



The Brief

We were commissioned by our friends at the Barbados Federation of Island Triathletes to produce a content package to promote their event to prospective athletes and tourists. 

The goal was to give a sense of how the event runs and what participants could expect; from the stunning scenery and luscious weather to the intensive swimming, cycling and running. The content was to be framed not as an event highlight video, but as more of an experiential piece.

The Shoot

We had travelled to Barbados and captured content around the BFIT Triathlon in 2016 as part of a broadcast travel documentary shoot, so we already had a bank of footage that could be utilised for the edit – however to ensure that the piece remained current, it was necessary for us to fly back out to capture additional content.

We flew out as a two-man crew, consisting of a self-shooting director and a sound recordist. Unlike our 2016 shoot, where we were able to utilise a combination of tripod, handheld, gimbal and drone shots, this time we were required to use a more nimble, run-and-gun setup to accommodate our restricted budget.

The shoot itself was short and intense, with us dedicating the morning to capturing action shots around the event and the afternoon being focused on capturing interviews with participants and stakeholders.

The Edit

The edit for this content was completed at our York and North Shields studios. 

Twenty five deliverables were created in total, consisting of one two-minute Hero video and eight short interview videos for socials in 16:9, 9:16 and square aspect ratios.

The Results

The final showcase was well received by the client.

The short interviews were released across BFIT socials in the months following the event and the final event promo was finally released in 2022.

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